Clients: Value-Based Payment

Bailit Health has assisted over 150 clients since 1997 to improve methods for purchasing or regulating health and human services. A partial listing of these clients can be found below, as well as examples of the types of work that we have conducted for them.

Vermont Green Mountain Care Board
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)


Vermont Green Mountain Care Board


The Green Mountain Care Board – an independent health care regulatory body in Vermont – asked Bailit Health to work with state officials, stakeholders, and other state contractors to develop a hospital global budget payment model. Vermont´s goal was to develop a payment model that could improve health care affordability while also supporting hospital financial sustainability and consumer access to high quality care.


Bailit Health supported the State in convening a technical advisory group of hospital and accountable care organization leaders, health care purchasers, and consumer advocates, to develop a hospital global budget payment model. Bailit Health developed a workplan to support decisions on core global budget concepts and then facilitated each meeting, including developing meeting materials, presenting on key design elements, leading group discussions, and collaborating closely with State analytic staff and contractors. Bailit Health summarized group feedback and advised state leaders and State analytic contractors on key policy decisions. This collaborative work resulted in a draft Medicare global budget payment model and a framework for extending the model to other payers. The State subsequently applied for and was accepted into CMMI´s AHEAD model in 2024.

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Michigan Department of Health and Human Service (MDHHS)


Michigan Medicaid wanted to create operational approaches and tools to encourage and track Medicaid health plans´ use of alternative payment models (APMs) to financially reward providers with better performance on quality and cost-efficiency metrics.


Bailit Health worked with MDHHS to develop and refine an Excel–based APM data collection tool similar to the tool used by some plans to voluntarily report on APM utilization to the Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network (HCP–LAN) and other qualitative reporting templates. Bailit Health provides ongoing support to MDHHS in analyzing plan progress towards the State´s APM targets. This support includes maintaining the APM data collection tool to ensure consistency with evolving State APM priorities and HCP-LAN definitions, analyzing health plans´ annual APM qualitative and quantitative data to assess compliance with State requirements, and facilitating ongoing communications with health plans on behalf of the State to review and clarify their APM strategies.

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