Clients: Performance Measurement

Bailit Health has assisted over 150 clients since 1997 to improve methods for purchasing or regulating health and human services. A partial listing of these clients can be found below, as well as examples of the types of work that we have conducted for them.

California Health Care Foundation
Connecticut Office of Health Strategy
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services
Buying Value State Health & Value Strategies (SHVS), a grantee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

California Health Care Foundation


The California Medicaid (Medi–Cal) program had no regular reporting mechanism to support ongoing internal assessment of the overall program and for external reporting to the legislature and stakeholders to track both successes and areas in need of improvement.


Bailit Health worked with Medi–Cal stakeholders, including the Department of Health Care Services, legislative staff, providers, health plans, and consumer advocates to assess the interest in a Medi–Cal performance dashboard and ultimately to develop a proposed Medi–Cal performance dashboard. The proposed dashboard called for measurement of the Medi–Cal program across a number of populations, domains and conditions.

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Connecticut Office of Health Strategy

In 2016, Connecticut established a Core Measure Set with input from its Quality Council as part of the CMS grant-funded State Innovation Model (SIM) Program. In 2020, the Connecticut Office of Health Strategy (OHS) sought Bailit Health´s support to reconvene the Quality Council and update its Core Measure Set (later renamed the “Aligned Measure Set”) to promote alignment of quality measures in use by commercial insurers and Medicaid to assess and reward the quality of services delivered under value-based payment arrangements.

Since 2020, Bailit Health has supported OHS in annually reviewing and updating its Aligned Measure Set. Bailit Health facilitates an annual review meeting series with the Quality Council, annually measures insurer fidelity to the Aligned Measure Set, and maintains guidance for implementation of the Aligned Measure Set´s in contracts.

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Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System


The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), the State´s Medicaid agency, established a Targeted Investments (TI) 1.0 Program in 2017 to promote the integration of physical and behavioral health care, increase efficiencies in care delivery and improve health outcomes. In 2022, AHCCCS launched TI 2.0, which aims to enhance comprehensive whole person care systems that effectively address the social risk factors that adversely affect health. AHCCCS requested Bailit Health´s assistance in developing the milestones that participating providers must meet in order to receive incentive funds.


Bailit Health worked with AHCCCS staff to develop several health equity-related milestones that aligned with national accreditation standards and best practices. The milestones focused on improving provision of culturally and linguistically appropriate services; establishing a process for screening for, referring to and closing the loop on receipt of services for health-related social needs; identifying and implementing interventions to reduce health inequities as well as offering tobacco counseling and cessation support services and strengthening care coordination for justice-involved individuals.

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Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services


In 2018, Rhode Island developed statewide Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations, referred to within the state as “Accountable Entities” (AEs). AEs are responsible for the total cost of care and health care quality and outcomes for an attributed population. The Medicaid agency solicited Bailit Health´s expertise to develop a quality incentive program and methodology.


Bailit Health worked with AHCCCS staff to develop several health equity–related milestones that aligned with national accreditation standards and best practices. The milestones focused on improving provision of culturally and linguistically appropriate services; establishing a process for screening for, referring to and closing the loop on receipt of services for health-related social needs; identifying and implementing interventions to reduce health inequities as well as offering tobacco counseling and cessation support services and strengthening care coordination for justice–involved individuals.

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Buying Value – State Health & Value Strategies (SHVS), a grantee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundatiom


Providers raised concern about being increasingly subject to growing numbers of measures from payers and regulators. Further, states expressed an interest in using more innovative measures in value-based programming. Bailit Health, with the support of SHVS, developed resources to help purchasers respond to these needs.


Bailit Health designed a suite of resources to help purchasers find and use quality measures through the Buying Value program. There are two cornerstone, free, Excel-based databases. The first, the Buying Value Measure Selection Tool, assists states in creating aligned quality measure sets for value-based contracting, quality improvement projects and other initiatives to improve quality and equity. The second, the Buying Value Benchmark Repository, is a database of homegrown and non-HEDIS measures in use by state purchasers and regional health improvement collaboratives, with associated performance data when available.

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