Clients: Primary Care

Bailit Health has assisted over 150 clients since 1997 to improve methods for purchasing or regulating health and human services. A partial listing of these clients can be found below, as well as examples of the types of work that we have conducted for them.

Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
Connecticut Office of Health Strategy
Rhode Island Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner


Oregon Health Authority (OHA)


As part of Oregon´s Sustainable Health Care Cost Growth Target Program, OHA convened an Implementation Committee to identify mechanisms to lower the growth of health care spending to a financially sustainable rate. The Committee´s recommendations included the pursuit of accelerated adoption of advanced value-based payments (VBP), which were subsequently contained in a VBP compact executed by many Oregon payer and provider organizations. Following execution of the VBP compact, the Oregon Health Leadership Council (OHLC) partnered with OHA to convene a VBP Workgroup to think through how to operationalize the compact´s vision, which included developing a primary care VBP payment model. Oregon's Primary Care Payment Reform Collaborative subsequently took on this charge and formed a VBP Model Development Workgroup to develop specifics for a multi-payer statewide primary care VBP model. OHA requested Bailit Health´s assistance with convening and facilitating this Workgroup, which was tasked with developing a framework for a statewide model based on diverse stakeholder input that payers and providers would adopt on a voluntary basis.


Bailit Health worked with OHA and OHLC to identify participants for the VBP Model Development Workgroup, considering the need for payer and provider representation and content expertise, and OHA´s objective of promoting equity. Bailit Health then drafted a detailed workplan with key topics and design decisions, and worked with the Workgroup to establish principles that should guide the VBP model design. Bailit Health subsequently prepared content for, facilitated, and led discussions of the VBP Model Development Workgroup, working through a sequence of individual design decisions to form recommendations using a consensus-based approach, when feasible. Bailit Health convened the Workgroup on a monthly basis over the course of a year. This work resulted in development of design decision recommendations for a multi-payer statewide primary care VBP model, which OHA is seeking to implement on voluntary basis.

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Connecticut Office of Health Strategy


In 2020, Executive Order No. 5 directed the Connecticut Office of Health Strategy (OHS) to establish targets for raising primary care spending as a percentage of total healthcare spending to reach 10 percent by 2025. Public Act 22-118 later established requirements for OHS to collect and report on primary care spending data according to a specified timeline. At the time of Executive Order No. 5, Connecticut did not have a definition of primary care spending or a methodology for collecting, analyzing and reporting on primary care spending and sought support from Bailit Health to coordinate efforts to accomplish these tasks.


Bailit Health facilitated meetings of OHS´ Technical Team and Healthcare Benchmark Initiative Steering Committee to develop the definition of primary care spending and to establish interim primary care spending target values to reach 10 percent by 2025. With guidance from OHS´ advisory bodies, Bailit Health developed a code-level definition of primary care spending and a methodology for calculating Connecticut´s performance against the spending targets. Bailit Health continues to support OHS in the data collection, validation, and analysis of primary care spending data from insurers and Medicaid to assess performance against the targets. Bailit Health subsequently helped the State develop targets for 2025-2030.

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Rhode Island Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner


Since its creation in 2004, the Rhode Island Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner (OHIC) has undertaken a series of strategic initiatives aimed at improving the accessibility, affordability, and quality of primary care for Rhode Island residents. However, recent changes in the health care landscape, including mounting challenges in primary care workforce and capacity, prompted OHIC to reevaluate its primary care strategy. To this end, OHIC sought Bailit Health´s support to conduct an environmental scan of the state of primary care, both within Rhode Island and nationally and to assist OHIC in reevaluating its primary care strategy.


Bailit Health reviewed Rhode Island and national trends in primary care, conducted a literature review on the contribution of primary care to health outcomes and health care system performance, and facilitated a series of semi-structured interviews with local providers and practice groups, insurers, and other interested parties. Bailit Health summarized the findings of its research in a report, which included recommended actions to support and sustain the primary care workforce in Rhode Island. Bailit Health continues to support OHIC in implementing the recommendations included in the report.

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