Bailit Health has assisted over 150 clients since 1997 to improve methods for purchasing or regulating health and human services. A partial listing of these clients can be found below, as well as examples of the types of work that we have conducted for them.
Oregon Health Authority
Bailit Health was asked to support the design and implementation of a health care cost growth target, as a strategy to slow health care spending growth, especially in the commercial insurance market.
Bailit Health provided technical assistance to OHA by facilitating the state's Implementation Committee which was tasked by legislation with establishing a sustainable health care cost growth rate.
California Office of Health Care and Affordability (OHCA)
The California Health Care Quality and Affordability Act established the state´s Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA) within the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) in recognition that health care affordability has reached a crisis point as health care costs continue to grow. The enabling statute directs OHCA to slow health care spending growth in the state to support the public interest of ensuring that all Californians receive health care that is accessible, affordable, equitable, high-quality, and universal.
Bailit Health supported OHCA to fulfill its charge, including by assisting OHCA to develop and recommend health care cost growth target methodologies and processes for measuring total health care spending. Bailit Health also provided technical expertise on related aspects of the design and implementation of a health care cost growth target, including on risk adjustment methodologies, attribution, performance adjustments to the target, and public reporting of annual spending and spending growth. Bailit Health prepared materials for and facilitated discussions of technical design components of health care cost growth target implementation with the governing and advisory bodies.
Connecticut Office of Health Strategy (OHS)
Governor Lamont´s 2020 Executive Order #5 required the Office of Health Strategy (OHS) to annually report on statewide health care cost growth and to develop and implement a health care cost growth target. In 2022, the legislature codified the state´s cost growth target and outlined additional responsibilities in new section 19a-754g.
Bailit Health provided technical assistance and facilitation support to an OHS advisory group charged with developing a health care cost growth target methodology and initial target values for 2021-2025, and subsequent target values for 2026-2030. Bailit Health continues to support OHS in carrying out activities related to its cost growth target, including data collection, analysis and reporting, as well as engaging stakeholders in the development of cost growth mitigation strategies intended to support the State´s ability to meet the annual cost growth target.