Bailit Health has assisted over 150 clients since 1997 to improve methods for purchasing or regulating health and human services. A partial listing of these clients can be found below, as well as examples of the types of work that we have conducted for them.
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Support the design implementation of a large multi–payer medical home initiative based on the Chronic Care Model.
Bailit advised the state on a strategy for improving chronic care in the Commonwealth using the Chronic Care Model. Bailit facilitated stakeholder work to develop a framework for the program, and supported the state in implementation and ongoing oversight and management. Bailit also assisted the state´s successful application to CMS for participation in the MAPCP program.
Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services
Launch a multi–stakeholder Patient–Centered Medical Home initiative to serve as the foundation for transforming primary care services in Massachusetts.
Bailit provided technical assistance and project management support for a 3–year, 46–practice PCMH initiative. Assistance included facilitating stakeholder meetings to create a consensus framework and oversee implementation of the initiative. Bailit also facilitated workgroups that developed the shared savings methodology, created payer data reports, developed the learning collaborative curriculum, created tools to assess and support behavioral health integration and developed a pilot protocol to enable collaboration between payer and practice–based care managers.
Missouri Department of Social Services
Assist the Missouri Medicaid program (MO HealthNet) to design a section 2703 health home program and a home home–based CMS dual eligible demonstration program.
Bailit helped the state draft its health home State Plan Amendment and its subsequent application to CMS for a dual eligible demonstration, supported the design of the shared savings program with health homes, and advised the state in its demonstration negotiations with CMS.