Clients: Policy Process Facilitation

Bailit Health has assisted over 150 clients since 1997 to improve methods for purchasing or regulating health and human services. A partial listing of these clients can be found below, as well as examples of the types of work that we have conducted for them.

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)
Minnesota Department of Health and Human Services
North Dakota Health Care Task Force


Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)


The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), an early adopter of financial performance incentives for its contracted Medicaid health plans and providers, engaged Bailit Health to review its value-based payment policies and how the state could better align financial incentives to improve health outcomes and increase value for Medicaid members.


Bailit Health facilitated a series of internal and external stakeholder meetings to inform and then recommend significant revisions to AHCCCS policies related to health plan quality and VBP performance incentives. Our structured policy facilitation process included:

  1. interviewing state leaders and staff
  2. researching other states´ approaches
  3. establishing Bailit Health as a neutral facilitator soliciting input and ideas from a range of internal and external stakeholders, including all contracted Medicaid health plans.
  4. developing slides and facilitating a series of stakeholder workgroup meetings to present finding, consider policy changes, and obtain input on recommendations
  5. recommending specific policy changes including rationale for the changes, redlined examples of revised state policy documents, and Excel files with sample methodologies for calculating health plan quality incentives across multiple target measures.

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Minnesota Department of Health and Human Services


The Minnesota legislature directed the Departments of Health and Human Services to co-convene a Governor´s Blue Ribbon Commission to develop recommendations that would produce $100M of savings in the next biennial budget.


Bailit Health facilitated a highly structured process, involving extensive public engagement, to identify, research and vet potential strategies, including by assessing their likely financial impact, operational feasibility and impact on health equity. Topical areas specified in the statute included: improving administrative efficiency, reducing fraud and improving program integrity, improving health equity, and developing a health system transformation strategy. Bailit Health´s analyses were reviewed first with agency staff, and then presented for discussion by the Commission, resulting in recommendations that addressed the legislation.

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North Dakota Health Care Task Force


The North Dakota legislature established a Health Care Task Force to examine health care spending trends and spending drivers in the state, and develop a roadmap to improve transparency.


Bailit Health facilitated meetings of the Task Force, comprised of legislators, state agency officials, providers, insurers, and business representatives. Topic areas discussed included data on state and national spending on health care, strategies implemented by other states to contain health care spending, quality measurement, and initiatives to improve access to care. To inform the task force meetings, Bailit Health also conducted stakeholder interviews to understand North Dakota´s health care landscape and identify specific areas of concerns and opportunities for improvement.

Bailit Health also facilitated subcommittees of the Task Force to focus on specific areas of focus and support the Task Force to develop a report of its findings to the Legislature.

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