Clients: Health-Related Social Needs

Bailit Health has assisted over 150 clients since 1997 to improve methods for purchasing or regulating health and human services. A partial listing of these clients can be found below, as well as examples of the types of work that we have conducted for them.

MassHealth (Massachusetts Medicaid program)
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)
Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services


MassHealth (Massachusetts Medicaid program)


MassHealth wanted to adapt existing Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN)–related quality measures to make them applicable for MassHealth´s ACO, MCO, and acute hospital quality and equity incentive programs.


Bailit Health performed landscape analyses and subsequently developed separate ACO, MCO, and acute hospital specification adaptations for two existing quality measures: CMS' Screening for Social Drivers of Health and the Oregon Health Authority´s Meaningful Access to Healthcare Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency.

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Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)


Assist AHCCCS in developing provider requirements for Health–Related Social Needs and health equity in its 1115 Research and Demonstration Waiver renewal application.


Bailit Health provided technical assistance to AHCCCS on key policy decisions to help create provider requirements for Health-Related Social Needs (HRSNs) and health equity, such as to direct providers to develop workflows that govern how HRSN screening and intervention is performed and to stratify screening results by race, ethnicity, and language to identify health disparities.

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Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services


The Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services´ (EOHHS´) Accountable Entity (AE) program makes provider organizations (AEs) accountable for health outcomes of their members as well as the total cost of care of their populations. Using contractual levers in the agreements between AEs and managed care organizations (MCOs), the state requires AEs to integrate strategies to address social needs Health-Related Social Needs (HRSNs). The strategies must include assessment of social needs, referral to community resources, and utilizing community partnerships and engagement to address the identified needs. EOHHS sought Bailit Health´s support to develop HRSN screening requirements for AEs.


Bailit Health developed an HRSN screening measure for EOHHS to use in its AE contracts. The measure assesses the percentage of attributed patients who were screened for HRSN using an EOHHS-approved screening tool, where the primary care practice has documentation of the completion of the screening, the date of the screen, and the results. Bailit Health also supported EOHHS in developing a process and methodology for the measure´s transition from pay-for-reporting to pay-for-performance.

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