
Bailit Health staff is comprised of a close–working team of senior consultants. Multiple team members are involved on most projects. The team is complemented, on an as-needed basis, by a cadre of specialty subject matter experts with whom we have worked for years.

Ellie Shea-Delaney

Ellie Shea–Delaney, M.P.A. (she, her)
Senior Consultant

Ellie offers many years of experience in state Medicaid programs, long–term services and supports (LTSS), aging, and behavioral health. Since joining Bailit Health, she has worked on projects including: mental health and substance use service improvements for a state Medicaid agency, advising a state on definitions of home and community–based services to enable waiver alignment and expand services, strategic planning for a hospital system and a Medicaid managed care organization, and reviewing a state's implementation of an Olmstead Plan.

Prior to joining the firm, she served as the Assistant Commissioner of Program Development and Interagency Planning at the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health (DMH). As a valued member of DMH's executive leadership team for nine years, one of her main functions was to facilitate interagency collaboration with Medicaid, Elder Affairs and the Department of Public Health.

In this role, she was involved in several progressive Medicaid initiatives including early planning for Behavioral Health and LTSS Community Partners under Massachusetts Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) initiative and the development and implementation of Massachusetts' One Care Plans, the state's CMS Financial Alignment demonstration. She also worked on important advancements in elder mental health, focusing on peers and integrating behavioral health and primary care and on improving emergency services.

Formerly, Ellie worked for five years at Elder Affairs in executive positions, including nine months as interim Secretary. Prior to that, for fourteen years, Ellie held senior management positions at the Massachusetts Division of Medical Assistance (MassHealth), which included Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Long Term Care. While in state government, Ellie was involved in obtaining and implementing numerous federal grants and she held leadership roles in national professional organizations for state officials.

Ellie holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Boston College and a Master's degree in Public Administration from Northeastern University.

Selected Publications

Kanneganti D, Reynolds M, Shea-Delaney E, Taylor E, and Waldman B, in asscoation with Abt Associates and Westat Insight "Integrated Care for Kids (InCK) Model Evaluation: Report 1", Submitted to U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services – August 23, 2022

Taylor E, Shea-Delaney E, Waldman B, Kenny Walsh K. "Behavioral Health Urgent Care: A Vision for Massachusetts and Opportunities to Improve Access", Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation – October 27, 2020

Issacson R, Shea–Delany E, Waldman B. "Implementing the ASAM Criteria for SUD Treatment through Medicaid Managed Care", State Health and Value Strategies, November 21, 2019.


January Angeles

January Angeles (she, her)
Managing Director

Erin Campbell

Erin Campbell (she, her)
Managing Director

Mary Beth Dyer

Mary Beth Dyer (she, her)
Senior Managing Director

Deepti Kanneganti

Deepti Kanneganti (she, her)
Senior Consultant

Sarah Kinsler

Sarah Kinsler (she, her)
Senior Consultant

Amy Lischko

Amy Lischko (she, her)
Senior Consultant

Ellie Shea-Delaney

Ellie Shea-Delaney (she, her)
Managing Director

Erin Taylor

Erin Taylor (she, her)
Senior Consultant

Alyssa Vangeli

Alyssa Vangeli (she, her)
Senior Consultant

Beth Waldman

Beth Waldman (she, her)
Senior Managing Director