Bailit Health has assisted over 150 clients since 1997 to improve methods for purchasing or regulating health and human services. A partial listing of these clients can be found below, as well as examples of the types of work that we have conducted for them.
Vermont Agency of Human Services
Assist the State of Vermont with the design of a Medicare/Medicaid financial alignment demonstration
Bailit provided ongoing research and planning activities including Medicare managed care regulations analysis, facilitating stakeholder input on the program´s appeals and grievance process, consultation on the assessment process, and support for design of comprehensive care planning procedures. Bailit served as an active participant in stakeholder meetings and supported the state in its negotiations with CMS.
Back to TopMinnesota Department of Human Services
Develop and implement a state strategic plan for long-term care for the elderly.
Bailit served as the consultant to the state Long–Term Care Task Force, consisting of three agency commissioners and twelve legislators. BHP also served as the Task Force liaison to external stakeholders, ensuring that the Task Force considered their input at each stage of the process. Ground–breaking legislation resulted from this exciting collaborative process.
Back to TopIowa Department of Human Services
Develop a personal care option under the State Medicaid Plan.
Bailit assisted Iowa with the development of personal care as an option under the State Medicaid Plan, including the development of service parameters and prior authorization requirements, drafting of rules governing the service, and the creation of the state plan amendment and implementation plan.
Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island
Assist a Medicaid Managed Care Plan to develop a new product line to serve dually eligible members.
Bailit provided strategic, technical and project management assistance to Neighborhood in all aspects of the development of its integrated product for dually eligible beneficiaries. Specifically, Bailit staff worked closely with Neighborhood to develop the product's care management program, draft the Medicare Model of Care, consider provider contracting and incentives, and develop appropriate benefit plan to serve dually eligible members. Bailit also assisted Neighborhood in the drafting of the state's Letter of Intent response.
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